The Noochy Noodle

a world beyond the blue box

Tag Archives: product

Product Review: Amy’s Rice Macaroni with Non-Dairy Cheese

This is probably the third time I’ve tried Amy’s vegan mac n’ cheese. It has it’s positives, it’s made with gluten free pasta, and it’s soy free, it’s quick and convenient. However, it’s made with Daiya, which is something I can’t get past. I hate it every time I eat it, but I keep coming back. Why? I’m not entirely sure. I think I’m hoping I’ll eventually learn to love Daiya like a good vegan, or that this will one day taste something like the Stouffer’s mac & cheese of my childhood. Unfortunately, I don’t think either of those things are ever going to happen, so I’m just going to give it up now and save myself the $4 in the future.

Before it was even out of the oven (that’s right, I’m fancy!) I noticed that my kitchen was starting to smell awful; a little bit like feet and spoiled dairy. Not really a great first impression, but I’m always willing to believe something might taste better than it smells.

I didn’t want to be stuck eating all the mac n’ cheese by itself for dinner, especially at 520 calories a container (yeesh!), so I cooked up some Appetite for Reduction buffalo tempeh and collards to go along with it.

The first bite confirmed that it was just as bad as I remembered. The cheese sauce coated my tongue like Elmer’s glue (I mean, what I believe glue coating one’s tongue might feel like) and the overly strong artificial “cheddar” flavor was just as bad as the smell. I found I was holding my breath at times to avoid the stench. Overall, not a pleasant dining experience.

I think if you actually like Daiya and eat it often you might enjoy this product. As for me, I can’t really stomach it, so I’m waiting on something better to come along.

Have you tried Amy’s vegan macaroni and cheese? What did you think?